E-Newsletter - August 2018
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AWS Foundation awarded EGTI scholarship dollars for students who reside within northeast Indiana. If you live within one of the following counties, you may be eligible to receive a scholarship: Kosciusko, Noble, Steuben, Dekalk, Allen, Whitley, Wabash, Huntington, Wells, Adams, and Grant.
AWS Scholarship Application
We welcomed four more students on Sunday, July 29. These new students joined the ten students who moved in three weeks ago. For the next ten weeks, these 14 students will be training across five different programs.
We encourage you to follow their journey on our social media sites: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
We have passed the application deadline (July 16) for Training Session 4 beginning in October. However, we are able to accept late applications if submitted ASAP. A few programs have reached capacity or are one student shy of being at capacity, so we encourage those interested to work quickly to submit an application.
Training Programs being offered include:
- Heart of the House (hotel)
- Supply Chain: Inventory Distribution (healthcare)
- Nutrition Services (healthcare)
- Environmental Services (healthcare)
- Host/Server Assistant (restaurant)
- Dishwasher/Server Assistant (restaurant)
Do you know of high school guidance counselors who serve as Public Agency Representatives in Case Conferences or support students in exploring postsecondary options? We will be hosting a webinar on Monday, August 13 from 10-11am EST specifically for guidance counselors.
EGTI Visit Day
Interested in learning about and touring EGTI? If so, this is for you! The fall EGTI Visit Day is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14 from 9am-12pm EST. Spend the morning hearing from EGTI staff, alumni, and parents and tour the facility.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED as space is limited.
A big CONGRATS to these two June EGTI grads! They have both obtained employment in their hometowns. One will be working as a host at IHOP and the other within Environmental Services at an assisted living facility. We wish them both the best of luck as they put their mastered skills to use in their new jobs.
On September 1, 2018, nationally recognized activist Richard Propes heads out on his 29th Annual Tenderness Tour. Propes, a paraplegic/double amputee born with spina bifida, started the Tenderness Tour in 1989 with a 41-day, 1086 mile wheelchair ride around the State of Indiana.
100% of the proceeds from the 2018 Tenderness Tour will go to establish the Tenderness Award, a $500 annual scholarship at EGTI. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student with a physical disability.
Click here to learn more about the Tenderness Tour or make a donation.