The focus of Camp EGTI is TRANSITION – improving skills to assist with the transition from school to adulthood.
Instruction and activities during the weekdays are intentionally designed with the goal of increasing skills related to community access, independent living, social communication, self-advocacy, and employment. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Medication, time, and money management
- Personal and pedestrian safety
- Dining etiquette
- Public transportation
- Social communication
- Work readiness
- Self-determination
- Career exploration
Camp Highlight Videos
Camper Requirements
Please review Camp EGTI requirements to ensure the camp is a good fit. Individuals who meet the noted requirements are encouraged to move forward with submitting an application.
- Camper is between the ages of 18 – 22.
- Camper has/had an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Camper is able to perform hygiene routine independently (e.g. shower, dress, toilet, etc.).
- Camper does not require constant one-on-one supervision.
- Camper does not exhibit disruptive behavior or behavior that poses a safety concern (e.g. physical aggression, property destruction, non-compliance, elopement, etc.).
- Camper displays a willingness to participate in activities.
- Camper can commit to the full camp duration without scheduling conflicts. Exceptions may be applied to family emergencies; however, the financial policies will still be applied.
Camp EGTI Application & Forms
*Application deadline in Friday, May 30.
Please mail completed application packets to:
Erskine Green Training Institute
Attn: Camp EGTI
601 S. High Street
Muncie, IN 47305
Camp EGTI Dates
July 7 – July 18, 2025
Campers will move into the Courtyard Muncie (601 S High St. Muncie, IN 47305), home of EGTI, at 10:00am EDT on Monday, July 7, 2025.
There will be a closing program at 11:00am EDT on Friday, July 18, 2025. Campers will move out directly following the closing program.
Camp EGTI Cost
Camp EGTI costs are covered through private pay, Education Scholarship Account (ESA) Funds, ABLE Account, or Special Needs Trust.
Camp EGTI - 2 Weeks | |
Tuition | $1,640 |
Room and Board Single Room | $1,715 |
Community and Living Support | $320 |
Materials | $100 |
Total Program Cost Single Room | $3,775 |