E-Newsletter - October 2019

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Training Session 3: Coming to an End

We will be joining friends and family at the graduation ceremony on Friday, October 4, as we celebrate the growth students have experienced during their 13-week training program. All 16 students are Vocational Rehabilitation consumers and will be returning to their hometowns where they will work with a local employment consultant to continue on their employment journey. Watch for graduation pictures and this class's graduation video on our social media outlets!

Employment Success

EGTI's ultimate goal is for graduates to put their skills to use by securing employment. To track student outcomes, EGTI graduates receive a survey 8 and 18 months post graduation. To the left, you will see the most recent data from the follow-up survey. 80% of EGTI graduates are working 8 months post graduation, and 74% are still working 18 months post graduation.


Throughout the years, EGTI has received requests for hats to be added to the apparel order form. We have heard your requests and are excited to finally have these available! Click on the button below to view the order form. Apparel Order Form

EGTI Alumni Party

We are excited to hold our 4th EGTI Alumni Party at Punch Bowl Social on Saturday, November 2, from 12:30-3:30 EDT! The party is for alumni only, but don't worry parents, there is something for you, too! We invite you to Sun King Brewery to mingle with other parents while the alumni enjoy their time together! Registration is required!

Training Session 1: Apply Now

We are now taking applications for training session one of 2020. The four training programs being offered include: Kitchen Cook (restaurant) Front Desk Agent (hotel) Heart of the House (hotel) Patient Transport (healthcare) The application deadline is October 7. Application

Student Update #1

Zach is a 2016 EGTI grad who has reached his two-year work anniversary! Not only has Zach found success in employment, he is also living independently in an apartment close to work. Way to go, Zach, and thanks for being a great example of what independence looks like

Student Update #2

We recently received an update on our EGTI alumni Facebook page from this 2018 EGTI grad! Anastasia is working as a cook at Franklin College. She is holding a certificate that she earned after she passed an allergy test that she was required to take! Not only is Anastasia being successful in employment, she has also moved into an apartment where she is living on her own! Way to go, Anastasia!